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Cast iron soul

   The last official weekend of the summer of Jenn is off to a killer start!

   Jamestown Revival was amazing last night. It was definitely an older, non party crowd. We camped walking distance from the venue. Everyone camping around us went to the show and we thought everyone was pretty cool. We were drinking whiskey and doing normal camping like things when Chester (the name we gave him, not sure of his real name) came out of his tent and told us we had to be quiet. "If it was before 10pm, I'd be partying with you guys but it's after 1am and time for you to be quiet" It was hard to keep a straight face but we apologized and my friend put his guitar away. That's when we noticed it was just barely midnight. Oh Chester...

    The full moon and stars over the mountains made it a perfect evening and the company, conversation and laughter was fabulous. 

    We did breakfast this morning, with lots of coffee and now I almost feel human again. Got all of my things out of the house and am headed to the Denver area in just a bit for night 1 of a 4 night run. 

Much love ❤️ 


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