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Showing posts from April, 2023

Last Night in Chicago

My last night in Chicago was a rager. Had so much fun and definitely paid for it this morning when I needed to move all my stuff from my apartment into my storage space. It feels as if a giant weight has been lifted from me now that I'm out of that place. I was having panic attacks and anxiety every time I stepped foot through those doors. Myself and three amazing friends got it all done and I am out! First stop, Stockton, IL for a bit. I've never lived in a town this small before so we'll see how that goes!  First day of the Summer Of Jenn starts tomorrow! Can't wait for all the adventures!  Special thanks to the cute SCI boy whom I had an especially fun time with last night 😉

Last day

 Today is the last day of my last full week in Chicago for awhile. Tomorrow starts my summer adventures, the summer of Jenn, if you will. Today I had to stop at Portillos (as one does when they leave Chicago) and tonight will be night 2 of String Cheese Incident at The Riv with some of my closest friends. Stay tuned, the adventures are just beginning! 😘