When I decided to start documenting my summer, I vowed to not do it while drinking. But here we are...
I got into Chicago around 11am today. It was nice to make a bunch of money, it was definitely needed. I'm staying with my favorite Brit and met him at the bar across from his place around 5pm. We ate, drank and laughed entirely too much.
Brisket tacos with goat cheese
I asked them to please put on the Cubs game and was told that the Ricketts are making it very difficult for bars to show the games so I had to settle for all the Boston sports and the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Red Sox were winning when I left, Celtics won and Vegas was up by one, incase you needed to know.
The Brit and I laughed and laughed. My favorite things that came out of his mouth tonight were, "Jenn, you are irresistibly attracted to poor people" and "Keep making terrible decisions, I enjoy it" With friends like this... lol. He's been in a very long term relationship with a flight attendant and gets her perks to fly everywhere, anytime. We decided maybe it's the summer for me to find a pilot 🤣
I left him at the bar (not because of his comments) and came back to my temporary digs. I've gone from the attic to the basement. Smaller bed but I have my own bathroom with shower. Which is great, cause I hate putting on pants and climbing stairs to pee. Don't take that wrong, I am grateful for the hospitality wherever I go. You guys are wonderful and I love you dearly.
I ordered some ice cream to be delivered, because I'm in a city where I can, and tomorrow I hit the ground running and start hustling early. So on that note, I'm going to anxiously await the arrival of all the calories I ordered (complete with Gatorade for the morning) and talk at yall tomorrow.
Much love ❤️
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